A race against the clock for USDA’s salmonella crackdown

Food safety stakeholders grow increasingly concerned that momentum is slipping away as the presidential election approaches.

An angled view photograph of ground chicken, whole chickens, and breasts and thighs for sale in the refrigerated section of a Whole Foods Market.

Happy Tuesday, and welcome to Food Fix. I’m Jesse Hirsch, a journalist whose beat has toggled between food and farming for years. I’m currently the lead editor at Ambrook Research, a 2-year-old publication covering modern agriculture. We publish three original stories each week; a monthly podcast on American farmland; a semi-annual print publication; and we send out a smart weekly newsletter to nearly 80,000 food professionals, farmers, academics and general interest readers.

Before joining Ambrook, I was managing editor at nonprofit newsroom The Counter (RIP and welcome back), and before that I was investigative food editor at Consumer Reports. It’s in the latter role that I dove deep into the weeds of foodborne pathogens, publishing countless stories on E. coli and salmonella contaminating our leafy greens and meat supply.

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