Cultivated chaos: How alt-meat could fight state bans

A growing number of states are banning the sale of cell-cultivated meat, but no one has tried to take them down. Here’s a breakdown of what could sizzle up when these laws get their day in court.

Cell-cultivated chicken at UPSIDE Foods' "Freedom of Food" event in Miami. Courtesy of UPSIDE Foods.

Happy Tuesday and welcome to Food Fix! I’m Amaru Sanchez, a food and food-tech lawyer based in D.C. and your guest host for today. I advise domestic and international companies on navigating the complex regulations of the FDA, USDA and various state agencies at Wiley Rein. (Disclosure: I represent a few players in this space, but today’s post doesn’t represent any of them.)

By the time you’re reading this, the pedals have already hit the pavement at the Tour de France — and let me tell you, I’m revved up for this season’s race! After binge-watching Netflix’s “Tour de France: Unchained” with my wife, I’m officially strapped in and ready for all the high-speed twists and turns. And just when you think the summer couldn’t get any more thrilling, the Olympics are up next. Chant it with me: USA! USA! USA! 

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