Presidential panel asks agencies to sync up on nutrition research

The government should do a better job coordinating nutrition research across federal agencies, per a new report. MAHA roundtable draws large crowd on Capitol Hill. GAO urges USDA to better handle nutrition program complaints.

A teal backed digital image shows fruit and vegetables floating with science and medical images, depicting a blend of food and medicine.

Happy Tuesday and welcome to Food Fix! I’m back in Washington again, and it’s nice and cool, but these damn mosquitoes are still hunting me. 

Office hours: I have another round of Food Fix office hours coming up: Oct. 8 and 9. As a refresher, I hold office hours a few times a year for paid subscribers – it’s a good chance to chat off the record about something you’re tracking, pitch me a story, catch up or just say hi. Go here to grab a spot on my calendar.

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