The White House conference scramble

We have a White House conference date, but that’s about it. Food Fix takes a closer look at what the administration could propose.

A photo of President Biden at a desk with a White House logo behind him.

Photo courtesy of Adam Schultz for the White House.

Hello, and welcome to the very first subscribers-only edition of Food Fix! Thank you for being here – and for supporting journalism that’s laser-focused on all things food policy. In the month since we launched, you all have proven my thesis: There is a need for smart reporting and analysis in an area that’s often seen as “too niche” by mainstream news outlets. 

How it’s going: Newsletter open rates are through the roof, the email list has nearly doubled, and I’m super encouraged by how many of you signed up for paid subscriptions during the August doldrums. Hundreds of readers have written in with feedback and suggestions, many of which have already been worked in. For example: So many of you love the “What I’m reading” section that we’ve expanded it.

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