What’s on the lame duck docket

There’s a new push to get something done on child nutrition – plus the Child Tax Credit and ag immigration – during the lame duck session. Today: Senate Judiciary examines the Albertsons-Kroger merger. FDA extends the comment period for its ‘healthy’ update. And why experts can’t agree on what’s driving obesity.

President Barack Obama signs the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act with Michelle Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Rosa DeLauro and a small child around him.

President Barack Obama signs the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act in 2010. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Jackson for the White House.

Hello, and welcome to Food Fix. I hope you all enjoyed some quality time with friends and family over the Thanksgiving holiday. I feel particularly refreshed after my high-energy almost-three-year-old spent last week playing with his wonderful grandparents, which meant we had a 5-to-1 adult-to-toddler ratio. Pretty ideal!

Office hours: As a paid subscriber, you get access to Food Fix office hours. Once a quarter, I’ll set aside a couple of days for open meetings. You’re welcome to pitch an idea, say hi, compare notes or catch up. Just grab a spot on my calendar. This time around, the dates are Dec. 13-14.

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